Welcome to Wikitools

This blog offers a collection of free online software applications in various domains of interests. These applications can be used directly on the blog or you can import them into your website by entering a specific HTML code (code snippet) or as a Google Gadget. For more details of how you can use snippets or Google Gadgets into your site see the help section.
Basically, these applications are hosted on following websites: Wikitools.ro and Wik.ro. If you want to use these apps into your website, please read Terms and Conditions first.

If you like this blog and want to continue to write new applications, just click on the ads in the blog. This way, you will help me to improve my hosting services for my website - Wikitools.ro - which is the host of all apps that you see here.

Thank you and i hope you'll find my blog useful.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Shorten URL or tiny URL service on Wik.ro

What is a shorten URL service and why do we need it

URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) may be made substantially shorter in length and still direct to the required page (wikipedia.org). This kind of service use a HTTP Redirect method on a short domain name, redirecting the access to a the long URL, previously registered. For example: http://wikitools.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-to-include-qr-code-generated.html can be accessed transparently also from http://wik.ro/5oz.
This technique can be used on Twitter, where message length is limited to 140 letters. Optionally, a QR code can be generated for that tiny URL to help access the webpage from mobile devices.

Shorten an URL on Wik.ro

Wik.ro provides services of URL shortening as main activity. Some complementary services are also available: text and picture storage services, webpage translation using Google Translate, QR code generator for text messages, wifi settings, gps location, contact vCards, etc, everything accessible from a tiny URL. In addition, you can create your own catalogs with personal pictures or QR codes of your contact list, without the need of registration or complicated account settings. Every kind o service can be done just by 2 clicks.

All services described above are accessible from this link: Wik.ro

How to embed a automatically generated tiny URL in your website

If you have a blog or a webpage, you can automatically generate an shorten URL and the QR code associated by embedding in your webpage template this Google Gadget.

or directly this code:
<script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/106661069079336290788/shorten_url.xml&synd=open&w=168&h=180&title=Shorten+URL+for+free&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js" type="text/javascript"></script>

An example of how this gadget looks like can be viewed just on the right vertical bar of this page, in the last square named "Short / Tiny URL for this page".
This gadget is page senzitive. You don't need to set anything in it. It automatically sense if the page that contains it is new and generates for this page a tiny URL and the QR code associated.
It also contain some buttons that helps the visitor to share the current webpage on Facebook, Twitter, LinkeIn, Digg, MySpace or by email with his friends.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to embed in your website a QR code generated automatically from your webpage URL

This application helps webmasters and bloggers to generate automatically the QR code from every page of an website or blog. The application gets the referrer URL and generate the QR code for this address automatically, so it can be scanned and accessed from a mobile device.
You can embed the following snippet wherever you want in your website:
<!--/Start WikiTool QR code/-->
<a href="http://www.wikitools.ro/?action=qr" title="QR Code" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.wikitools.ro/indexmute.php?action=qrgr" alt="WikiTools.ro: QR Code" border=0 /> </a>
<!--/End WikiTool QR Code/-->

or you can get the code from the following Google gadget.

Blogger.com users can embed in their template design a new text or html gadget object and place it wherever they want in the blog. Just copy and paste the codes above in the gadget html editor, hit the save button and the qr code shall immediately become available.

QR code generator

QR Code is a two-dimensional bar code, invented in Japan in 1994, in a subsidiary company of Toyota, Denso Wave.
Initially, this QR code (Quick Response) was used to mark car parts used in the production process. After a while, due to its ability to integrate a relatively large amount of data and because it has no fixed size, it start to be used successfully in several other domains of activity. The highest penetration was in the mobile devices. This area is booming and QR code seemed to be the ideal solution for data encryption of information that can be transmitted and stored easily in smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The highest spreading has in mobile devices which use Google Android operating system.
The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of any kind of data (e.g., binary, alphanumeric, or Kanji symbols).
Together with a data structure format, QR code can contain: a business card, a phone calendar event, a useful web address, geographical position, coordinates GPS, SMS, email, etc.
Present application implements the most common formats and generate QR code associated.

You can embed this application in your website by copying this snippet:
<iframe src="http://wikitools.ro/indexmute.php?action=qr" frameborder=0 height=180 width=680> </iframe>